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I'm just a fan. A new fan. I'm restless, always looking for something new to see, learn and do. My lastest thing is NASCAR. It Happened when I drove a "Richard Petty Experience" car during the week of the 50th running of the Daytona 500.


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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is what I kept...

These are the ones I got. My friend took the black/white giraffes.

I gotta tell you...when I walked into her home, no matter which way my head turned, it was Crazy Giraffe City! Giraffes in one form or another everywhere! There were giraffe wine holders, statues, stuffed giraffes, ornaments, and on and on and on. But, the largest Giraffe gift was a statue of 2 giraffes at least 5' tall!

It was her 85th birthday. So, I guess the question on everyones mind; what do you get someone that has everything? GIRAFFES!!

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