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I'm just a fan. A new fan. I'm restless, always looking for something new to see, learn and do. My lastest thing is NASCAR. It Happened when I drove a "Richard Petty Experience" car during the week of the 50th running of the Daytona 500.


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Friday, November 21, 2008

Generation "Smug"?

Well...finally we're starting to talk about a very big social issue that affects us all.

My child is 30 yrs. old (OMG! that makes me really old!), so when I listen to parents of children nowadays ask in true bewilderment, "why is this happening? I don't understand".

Hey, raising my son wasn't a "bed of roses" it was more like a "bed of nails", but I always was aware I would someday send him into the world of adulthood. My most overused line to him was; "life isn't fair, suck it up!"

Here's a rather simple explanation. Thank you so much Dr. Keith Ablow!

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