I found these great looking coasters at Anthropologie. I'm not going to use them as coasters; instead they'll be admired as 4" squares of beautiful art!
I can see this as a table book for the holidays! If you have young children or grandchildren; this would be something they'd always remember. I took a few photo's of the book.
Let me tell you what I think I know about you "butt" head.
1) You're probably female (white butts)
2) You want to get your money's worth (smoking them to the end)
3) You probably had to do without something and bitched you had no money! (with over 40 butts there; that's almost $10.00!)
4) You probably forced a child or two to breathe in that toxic second hand smoke!
The world thanks you, I thank you!
Well...finally we're starting to talk about a very big social issue that affects us all.
My child is 30 yrs. old (OMG! that makes me really old!), so when I listen to parents of children nowadays ask in true bewilderment, "why is this happening? I don't understand".
Hey, raising my son wasn't a "bed of roses" it was more like a "bed of nails", but I always was aware I would someday send him into the world of adulthood. My most overused line to him was; "life isn't fair, suck it up!"
Here's a rather simple explanation. Thank you so much Dr. Keith Ablow!
I was so excited I bought another set of towels for my new daughter-in-law. I tried to get a couple of closeup views to show just how detailed they are.
Now, you know I'll never use them!