Very efficient packaging...I must say!
OK...even I can read these instructions! So far, so good!
I decided to trek to Walmart, buy some pillows. I thought~ this way I can wash everything!
Called the girls over~ told them to check it out!
(notice Margo...she's in the middle, she doesn't like being THAT close to Maggie)
OK...even I can read these instructions! So far, so good!
I decided to trek to Walmart, buy some pillows. I thought~ this way I can wash everything!
Called the girls over~ told them to check it out!
(notice Margo...she's in the middle, she doesn't like being THAT close to Maggie)
Hey, Hey...where are you going Margo? I know what you're doing!
Is that your tongue? Are you sticking it out at me? I notice you're trying to sneak away from your sister. ( FYI, they don't have the same father)
NOW Margo's happy! ~ Notice Maggie never moved. Psst... Margo sleeps with her eyes open.
In all seriousness, this is just an absolutely fantastic product. Ya know...these beds would be great for dog shelters!! I'm going to be serious and write a review on this tomorrow. I am a self-proclaimed expert on pet products. I owned a mfg business of pet products for almost 20 years. I've been to several pet industry trade shows around the country, so I will get serious and review this bed.
Now that is a good idea for all bed hogs.
I think that they really have it with the washable insides.
Great Job
Now that is a good idea for all bed hogs.
I think that they really have it with the washable insides.
Great Job
cathy, you made my day!!
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