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I'm just a fan. A new fan. I'm restless, always looking for something new to see, learn and do. My lastest thing is NASCAR. It Happened when I drove a "Richard Petty Experience" car during the week of the 50th running of the Daytona 500.


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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my first quiz...

I just took my first quiz on the internet! Gosh, I hope I pass! I haven't taken a quiz in over 35 years, no lie, really! I suffer from the "Red Pen" syndrome.

I was lookin' for a recipe for Bread Pudding to take to a dinner party tonight. I decided to mosey over to Ree's site, The Pioneer Woman, to see if she had anything that sounded good, her photo's alone make the recipe look great! I'm going to give her's a shot.

I forgot what the purpose of this was, oh yeah, I remember now, the quiz. The "Smartypants" Qualifying Quiz #1 to be exact. I thought what the heck, I pay a large cable bill every month to get well over 325 channels, I'm bound to have picked up some knowledge through osmosis and channel surfing, it's not like I've ever been to any of these places. Maybe she'll grade on a curve, we'll see. Wish me luck.