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I'm just a fan. A new fan. I'm restless, always looking for something new to see, learn and do. My lastest thing is NASCAR. It Happened when I drove a "Richard Petty Experience" car during the week of the 50th running of the Daytona 500.


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Monday, December 29, 2008

Fought the new "Black Friday" crowd and found these...

I found these great looking coasters at Anthropologie. I'm not going to use them as coasters; instead they'll be admired as 4" squares of beautiful art!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!

This is what I spent Christmas Eve doing; making my hubby, Thumb Print cookies. This is all that is left after I baked 2 dozen. Scratch that, 2 dozen minus 1...the dog stole one right off the cookie sheet before I could put them in the oven! Damn dog.

I guess I should be happy that this is all he wants for Christmas, after 34 years together, he still just wants his cookies!

So, Merry Christmas honey, to bad they'll be gone before noon on Christmas Day. The poor guy won't see another batch of these cookies for a whole year; you'd think he'd savour them for longer than just 12 hours!

Monday, December 22, 2008

My little sun catchers...

This is sooo cute! They follow the sun around the table every morning.
It's such a ritual for us, oh I mean me, every morning I have to move the chairs from under the table so they can fit. Maggie (the weim), is the one that comes and finds me, starts to paw at me until I come to move the chairs so she can be with Margo (the whippet) & Max (the cat).
Maggie can't quite take the sun as long as Margo & Max.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Style, functionality and priced you're talking!

What is this you're wondering? Where have I seen that design before? Get ready! TA-DA!

I found this great reusable bag at Target and when this thing is opened; it turns into a huge 15" x 16.5" x 8" gusseted bag! They also have one that when folded, is the size of a clutch style purse.

I've been on the fence about this whole reusable bag thing. Yeah, yeah I get the "green" thing! I've watched more and more people coming into the stores lately with their wad of bags. I say, show me some style and a way to refold them when you're not using them and I'll give them a whirl.

Target must have read my mind or maybe they knew I was from a set of parents that believed, a place for everything and everything in its place!

These bags are like crazy origami, they fold into something completely different than what they started out as.( yeah, it looks like a purse!)

You just may see me at my grocery store with my cute little red folded bags and when I get to the checkout, and they ask, "would you like plastic?" I'll be like, Bam!, "no these, please!" They'll say, "wow, how cool!" I'll just say, "I know".

Monday, December 8, 2008

here a doodle, hair a doodle, everywhere a doodle...

A friend of mine emailed me a copy of her "doodle". She said this is what she does while on the phone! It's wild, I call it Spaghetti doodle!

I'll admit I doodle too, but I only make circles that I then turn into little flowers. Kinda boring in comparison.

Now this wonderful tea towel I would love to have, unfortunately she is sold out! The artist's name is Camilla Engman.

I was at a recent art festival and there it was, an entire booth of doodle! The artists work was a little more than I could afford all except for this tiny 3" vase. I knew I had to have my very own spaghetti doodle!
So, here's the question; if you're drawing while on the phone, is it only doodling and yet if you sale your doodle is it then called art?
Maybe, I'll commission my friend to do her spaghetti doodle and turn it into my art! Hmm!

Friday, December 5, 2008

OMG...I Love you!

Where's Maggie?

Maggie, my Weimaraner, seems to blend in to all the browns. Her and her sister, Margo, always try and follow the sun on the dining room floor in the a.m. to stay warm.
Maggie suffers from that, "me and only me" syndrome. She'll sit on Margo or our cat, Max, if they are sitting with us on the couch like they're not even there. No, I didn't teach her that!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Where did you learn to use analogies?

OK, I just heard one of the cruelest things I've heard in a really long time. I must be getting old and have been out of the game for too long.

When did we start teaching our kids to use analogies to let people down? Do they think this hurts less because they gave them a letter and an explanation?

My sister told me today, that her daughter (which is in junior high) received a letter from a friend explaining why she doesn't want to be friends with her anymore!
Here's part of the letter:

Dear Caitlyn,
Friendship is like a soccer game; right now you've been in the game too long, it's time for you to sit on the sidelines. It's time to bring my other friends in the game... but I still Love you.

Are you kidding me? When I was growing up, we just said, "I don't want to talk to you anymore or I don't like you anymore or just, Go home!"

I could be wrong; there could be something to this analogy thing! nah!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Lets talk coffee...

Love the Starbucks; hate the price & lack of convenience. There's only one in a three town radius of me; it's at the local Target.

My choice of "poison" is a tall decaf non-fat latte (yeah, I know, what a whimpy coffee!) but, I feel like I'm in a Seinfeld episode, you know the one,"The Soup Nazi", I don't want to stand there with a line behind me and give some long worded coffee order.

The coffee makers I have at home are (I'm the only coffee drinker in our house) , Mister Coffee, Senseo, but I'm thinking about getting the new Kreuig that makes the single cup. My Senseo makes individual cups with the foam, but your choices are few. With the new Kreuig you can choose between coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.

So...what do you think? Do you have one of these and is it worth all the recent hype? Let me know.